Now, in its 21st year, our one-of-a-kind Mobile Law Office Program, which allows us to drive legal services to clients’ neighborhoods for their convenience, possesses a feature of technology that has proven very helpful to countless potential clients seeking information, as they visit one of our three Units.
With the technology of FACETIME, visitors can sit in our Mobile Office located on any street and talk directly to one of our lawyers and ask questions concerning an accident they, relatives or friends may have
experienced. A large number of visitors to our Mobile Office have expressed that this initial contact with an Attorney was their first direct lawyer communication experience and a very informative one in virtually all cases.
Given the over two decades that our Mobile Offices have visited clients in practically every neighborhood and on almost all commercial streets in New York City and surrounding Counties, it has generated a repeated expression, for which we are very pleased, that individuals have seen and often visited our Mobile Offices in their community.
Over these many years, the fundamental goal of our Mobile Law Office program has remained consistent, namely, to bring legal services conveniently to injured or any other clients close to their homes saving travel to one of our permanent offices while providing advise to residents in under legally served neighborhoods. Making an appointment is very simple.
For any information about our Mobile Law Office Program, or to make an appointment, call: Luis DeLaRosa, Director at: 718-543-1100.