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$10.2 Billion For WTC 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Claims

$10.2 Billion For WTC 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Claims

In July 2019, President Trump signed into law the Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act. This legislation extends VCF’s filing deadline to 2090 and ensures that the VCF is fully funded and will remain permanently open for those who become ill in the future due to toxic exposure after 9/11.

Five months prior to passage of the Permanent Authorization Act, VCF Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya had announced that VCF was running out of money and would be unable to pay all pending and anticipated claims.

And so the legislative targets were clear—extend the VCF and secure funding for future claims. Enter John Feal, the highly effective lobbying advocate, who descended daily for months on congress and the White House with his tireless band of victim responders. With astounding lobbying effectiveness, aided significantly by TV celebrity Jon Stewart, the legislative goals were achieved with the VCF extended for decades and $10.2 billion approved for claim award payments.

Our firm was actively and financially in support of the successful lobbying work on behalf of thousands exposed workers and volunteers.

This new law guarantees that VCF will have sufficient funding to pay all monetary awards for the next 70+ years with initial authorized funding of $10.2 billion. To be eligible for financial compensation from the VCF, an individual must have been: 1) Exposed to the 9/11 toxic environment between September 11, 2001 and May 30, 2002; and 2) Diagnosed with one of VCF’s covered conditions.

The 9/11 toxic environment includes the area in Manhattan south of Canal Street and any areas related to the routes of debris removal, including Fresh Kills landfill and municipal bus depots. The medical conditions that are covered by VCF include all forms of cancer, as well as certain respiratory and digestive non-cancerous conditions.

Currently, our Firm represents over 1100 clients exposed to the toxic environment, so if you or a friend, or family member have any questions concerning eligibility for the VCF Program, feel free to contact our VCF department at: (212) 970-6500.

$10.2 Billion For WTC 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Claims
Our Spring 2019 issue contained a powerful WTC photo by our VCF client Sean Delaney sparking a very laudatory, appreciative response, so we thought you’d like seeing more. Here is another one of Sean’s photos.