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Crane Accidents

Crane Accident Lawyers in New York City

Anyone who lives in New York City is well acquainted with cranes—those huge mobile machines which have long hooked booms reaching far into the air to lift and transport heavy materials across construction sites. These are powerful pieces of equipment that must be handled with enormous care.

If they’re not operated properly, or if they experience a mechanical fault at the wrong time, they can cause a tragic accident. That’s why OSHA safety rules place tight restrictions on the use of cranes in construction areas and similar work environments. Unfortunately, these rules are not always observed, and many serious New York construction accidents can be traced to OSHA violations relating to crane use.

What can you do if you or a loved one has been harmed due to another party’s negligent operation of a crane? You should seek out legal assistance at the earliest opportunity. At The Dearie Law Firm, P.C., our NYC construction accident attorneys are available to help those who have been victimized in crane accidents.

Types of Crane Accidents

Due to the size, weight, and power of cranes, it’s frighteningly easy for these machines to cause major damage. Let’s take a look at some of the more common kinds of crane accidents in New York.

  • Dropped loads – Cranes are undeniably powerful, but, even so, there are limits to the weight they can be expected to carry. Attempting to pick up an oversized object may lead to a serious accident if the overburdened crane accidentally drops the load from a great height. This can happen if the crane’s load moment indicator, which helps to safeguard against this eventuality, is not working properly.
  • Contact with power lines – In general, OSHA rules require any and all parts of a crane to remain at least 20 feet away from power lines at all times. Before a crane can be operated in the vicinity of power lines, site managers must perform an analysis of the work area to ensure that the movement of the crane will not violate this boundary. Ignoring these rules can easily lead to collapsed power lines and possible electrocution of persons in the area.
  • Improper assembly/disassembly procedures – Under OSHA safety regulations, the assembly and disassembly of a crane must always be performed under the supervision of a qualified individual. Without this supervision, the equipment may end up in sub-optimal working condition—which could lead to a future crane accident.
  • Inadequate inspection procedures – OSHA rules also call for periodic inspections of a crane and its various components. There are a number of different inspections that must be carried out, covering different aspects of the equipment; some of these examinations should take place on a monthly basis, others yearly. It is also required to inspect each crane component before it is erected. This is another area where it is often tempting to take shortcuts, and this temptation has led to more than a few construction accidents.
  • Failure to use a signal person – Another aspect of OSHA rules that isn’t always observed is the requirement to use a signal person when necessary. This is a trained individual who communicates with the crane operator via hand, voice, or other appropriate signals in situations where the operator’s view is obstructed. Without a signal person onsite, the operator can’t safely use the crane.

Injuries from Crane Accidents

Contact with an improperly handled crane can easily result in fatal or life-changing injuries. Crushed or amputated limbs are not uncommon. If the machinery gets tangled up in power lines, the crane operator and/or others in the immediate area may sustain severe electrical burns.

Contact a Construction Accident Lawyer in New York

With years of experience in handling crane accidents in New York, our personal injury lawyers have a firm understanding of the relevant laws in these cases, such as OSHA regulations. We invite you to contact us if you or someone you know has been harmed due to a crane accident. The Dearie Law Firm, P.C., can be reached at (212) 970-6500.