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Understanding the Difference Between VCF Registration and Claim Filing Deadlines


When filing a claim for compensation with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, it’s crucial to be aware of two critical deadlines — registration and claim filing deadlines. The VCF has updated its information concerning claim and registration filing deadlines to provide responders and survivors with further clarification. 

It’s important to understand that submission of the registration form and claim are not the same thing. They are separate processes with different deadlines that must be met. To file any claim for compensation, you are required to timely register with the VCF. The earliest registration deadline is July 29, 2021, meaning that all claims are timely as of September 2020. Any responder or survivor must register to preserve their rights to file a claim in the future.

VCF Claim Filing Deadlines

The VCF Permanent Authorization Act ensures that anyone with an eligible condition entitled to compensation may file a claim up to October 1, 2090. Unlike registration deadlines, which can be different based on specific circumstances, the claim filing deadline is the same for everyone. 

Claims can be filed with the VCF online or by hard copy. While you must have your eligible condition certified by the WTC Health Program to file a claim, there is no requirement that your condition must first be certified to register. 

VCF Registration Deadlines

To file a claim with the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund prior to October 1, 2090, you must first submit a timely Registration Form. While doing so preserves your right to file a claim at some point in the future, it does not require you to do so. 

VCF Registration is an entirely separate from submitting an actual claim for compensation — even if you have registered with the VCF, you still need to go through the process of filing a claim.  

Although you have until 2090 to file a claim for a physical condition or injury resulting from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the VCF registration deadlines are much shorter. The VCF registration deadline depends on when your eligible condition was determined to be 9/11-related:  

  • Individuals who have had their eligible condition certified by the WTC Health Program before July 29, 2019 must register by July 29, 2021.
  • Individuals who have their eligible condition certified by the WTC Health Program after July 29, 2019 must submit the Registration Form within two years of the date of their WTC Health Program Certification Letter.
  • The personal representative of an individual who died of a 9/11-related physical condition before July 29, 2019 must register by July 29, 2021.
  • The personal representative of an individual who died of a 9/11-related physical condition after July 29, 2019 must submit a Registration Form within two years of the date of the individual’s death.

Responders and survivors who have not been certified for an eligible physical condition or cancer by the WTC Health Program — or are certified after July 29, 2019 — must register no later than two years from the date that their most recent eligible condition was certified. 

Missed Registration Deadlines

The VCF will consider all claims that are timely registered to be eligible for compensation. While the VCF may consider late registration depending on your individual facts and circumstances, it is rare that an untimely registered claim will be deemed eligible and very likely that your claim will be denied.  

Contact a New York City 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund Attorney

If you are a responder or survivor who has suffered an eligible 9/11-related health condition or cancer, you may be entitled to receive compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Navigating the VCF regulations and understanding the deadlines to register and file a claim can be confusing, frustrating, and complicated. A 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund attorney who is knowledgeable about the applicable timelines and regulations can guide you through the VCF claims process and fight for your rights to receive the maximum victim compensation payout to which you are entitled. 

The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund attorneys at The Dearie Law Firm, P.C. have represented claimants and their families in 9/11 VCF claims for over a decade. For a free consultation, contact us today. 
