The Department of Labor (DOL) reports that there are currently more than 250,000 crane operators working in communities throughout the United States. Similar to other large metropolitan areas, New York City is filled with cranes. Our city is seemingly undergoing an endless amount of construction and development.
Unfortunately, construction companies and property developers do not always take proper safety precautions when setting up and using cranes. When a crane accident occurs, the consequences can be truly devastating, even deadly. Here, our skilled New York City crane accident lawyers explain the key things you need to know about crane accident liability in New York.
Many Defendants May Be Held Liable for a Crane Accident
Crane accidents happen for a wide range of different reasons — from lack of employee training or improper crane assembly to companies carelessly rushing through projects or failing to conduct adequate inspections. Regardless of why a crane accident occurs, negligent parties can be held liable for the resulting damages. Negligence is the failure to act with the level of care with which someone of reasonable prudence would have acted under similar conditions. For reference, some of the defendants that could potentially be held liable for a crane accident in New York City include:
- Property owners;
- Project management companies;
- Real estate developers;
- Construction companies;
- Other contractors and subcontractors;
- Architects or engineers;
- Construction inspection firms; or
- Crane manufacturers.
New York is a pure comparative fault state (N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 1411), meaning multiple parties may share the responsibility for a single crane accident. Indeed, in many cases, crane accidents happen because of safety failures at multiple different levels, often resulting in more than one defendant. Notably, under New York state law, plaintiffs may still be eligible to recover some financial compensation even if they were partially at fault and contributed to the accident.
Every Crane Accident Requires a Comprehensive Investigation
For a variety of reasons, crane accident claims are extremely complex. With so many different defendants that may bear liability, it is not uncommon for them to try to push culpability onto one another in an effort to protect their own financial interests. If you were hurt in a crane accident, it is imperative that a comprehensive investigation be conducted to determine exactly what happened, why it happened, and who was at fault. All negligent parties must be held accountable.
Get Legal Guidance From an Experienced New York, NY Crane Accident Attorney Today
At The Dearie Law Firm, P.C., our New York construction accident lawyers have the skills and experience to handle the full range of crane accidents. If you or your family member was injured or killed as a result of a crane accident, we are here to help.
To request a free, no obligation legal consultation, please contact our legal team right away. From our law offices in Manhattan, the Bronx, and our mobile offices, we handle construction accident claims throughout the region.