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Opioid Addiction … Life Changing for Too Many Workers

Opioid Addiction ... Life Changing for Too Many Workers

Think about these startling statistics – – In 2017, (last year of data) 47,600 opioid overdose deaths, (averaging 130 a day) constituted 68% of all overdose deaths in the United States, with New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania among 23 states with the highest rates of drug overdose deaths.

Opioid exposure tends to occur in a highly repetitive pattern, as workers are injured on the job, visit a doctor, who prescribes (often over prescribes) opioid pain management pills, dosages increase resulting in workers suffering opioid addiction.

Recently, in Oklahoma, a Judge determined against Johnson & Johnson (the giant pharmaceutical manufacturer) guilty of fueling the state’s opioid crisis, ordering the health-care company to pay $572 million. As a result of this Decision, States, Cities and Counties will be reimbursed for medical costs associated with workers’ treatment.

Our Firm is legally researching whether a Cause of Action by individuals, as contrasted to governments, can be brought against over prescribing physicians and opioid drug manufacturers. Such individual lawsuits would parallel the tobacco litigation of decades ago.

As an essential part of our firm’s research into possible individual lawsuits, John C. Dearie, in total confidentiality, is seeking to speak with anyone who has experienced opioid addiction to understand the monthly dosage amount, doctor involvement in your case and treatment services. Please take a few minutes to call John directly anytime on his cell phone: 914-490-9790. Thanks!
